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Attendees Present: Water Sewer Advisory Board

         Scott Carlson, John Michalak, Eugene Stirchak, Joe Pridotkas


Brian Forts

Others Present:

Marlene Whipple- Recording Secretary
Jim Zingarelli – Sr. Civil Engineer
Mark Elbag, Jr. – Water Sewer Superintendent
        Anthony Renzoni – Selectman
          Kenneth O’Brian –Audience

1. Approval of October 20, 2011 Minutes.  All members in favor.

2. Public – No Public Address

3. Update on Draft Recommendation – Sewer Connection Fees.

Mark Elbag presented a Residential and Commercial Connection Fee    Comparison Chart to the members to show how Holden compares to surrounding communities. (See attached). Also presented was the report prepared by Woodcock & Associates, Inc. dated August 14,2006 which details the current connection fees and current connection fee structure. A draft connection fee proposal will be presented to the Board following a review from the Town Manager’s Office. The Board would like to see a proposal based on comparisons to other communities rather than an increase to the current fee structure detailed in the Woodcock Report.                                                                                                                    

4. Discuss evaluation of sewer system capacity.
Jim Zingarelli suggested that the town stay with the twelve-month running average of sewer capacity for a standard procedure to go by. Mark Elbag indicated that more frequent monitoring of sewer flow by the DCR at the Station C Flow Meter has been requested. More frequent flow monitoring will allow for a better analysis of the Town’s current sewer flows and capacity.

5. Discuss sewer capacity-options moving forward to create policy.
           Future Sewer Extension Permit expiration dates were discussed. It was assumed that any future extension permits should expire in conjunction with Planning Board Construction Permits, which is currently the case.         
          Eugene Stirchak asked what is the problem of sewer capacity and do we have a problem? Scott Carlson indicated the importance of knowing how much capacity remains so the Town can better plan for future growth. Ken O’Brian indicated that the slowing economy has helped with the growth of homes and subdivisions so capacity is not an immediate problem; however, one large development application can cause capacity problems as they have seen in the past. Anthony Renzoni indicated that he does not want to hit a wall 100 miles an hour he wants something in place while things are slow so we can be prepared when the economy starts picking up. He would like the Town to be proactive.                                                                                              
                Lately, Mark Elbag indicated that it is very difficult to legally develop a policy that would restrict sewer extension or sewer connection. Furthermore, any new policy would have to be developed in partnership with the Growth Management Office and would have to be reviewed in detail by Town Council.
6. Discuss development of Water & Sewer Bylaws.

The bi-laws that are in place now need to be updated. Mark Elbag indicated that one of his tasks over the next year would be to update the current sewer by-laws.

 7. Status Update of the 5-Year Capital Improvements Plan for the   Water & Sewer Division.

The Town of Holden Department of Public Works - Water/Sewer Division Five Year Capital Plan FY2013-FY2016 (see attached) was submitted to the Town Manager’s Office and is provided for reference.  

8. Water breaks, leaks, and other issues.

There was a break on Chapel Street due to a 6” transit pipe failure. The total loss of water was 150,000 gallons. The ongoing SRF Contracts are being slowly closed out. The Mason Road upgrade and Chapin Booster Station upgrade have final punch lists submitted to the contractor.

9.  Review October 2011 Enterprise Fund Report.

The Water Sewer Enterprise had a deficit to date of $12,189.56, and is in a much better position than in FY2011 at this time. Revenue to date is up approximately 7.8% as compared to FY2011.

10.  Discuss Open Chairman Position for Water Sewer Advisory Board.
Scott Carlson who is the current Chairman of the Board will             
         resign his position in February 2012. He would like to see  
one of the current Board Members become Chairman prior to his resigning form the Board.

11. Schedule next meeting.

Early December is when the board is looking to have another meeting. If date cannot be set, the next meeting will be in January.
12. Other Business – None

13. Motion to Adjourn.  

               8:55 PM